
Interfaith Peace-Builders is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. IFPB is mainly supported financially by small individual donations. We receive over half our operating income from individual donors and past delegation participants. Our average donation is approximately $75 per gift and very few people regularly give sums greater than $1,000 per year. Almost half of past delegation participants are financial donors to IFPB. Many others who cannot give financially support us in other ways. To a large degree, it is our network of delegation participants that sustain us and we thank them for their continued support.

From mid-2006 to mid-2009, IFPB received substantial financial support from our parent organization and partner, the Fellowship of Reconciliation-USA (FOR). Support from FOR was instrumental in helping IFPB transition to organizational independence over this time period. IFPB has attracted the support of several foundations. We continue to approach additional foundations for fiscal support.

The fee we charge for ground costs for our delegations is calculated based on our actual on-the-ground costs for lodging, meals, meetings, transportation, and incidentals. It is not inflated to have delegations be “income-generating,” nor does it even cover most staff time and overhead necessary to plan the delegation from the US (staffing, overhead, and US work are covered by the above-mentioned sources: individual donations and foundation support). IFPB firmly believes that our delegations should be open to as many as possible and that is why we work hard to provide a thorough, safe, and professional delegation experience at the lowest cost possible.

Every dollar helps us survive, grow and succeed:

If you are an individual or a representative of a foundation interested in learning more about how you can make a difference by supporting IFPB’s important work, please contact us.