March 6 - 7, 2011 · Washington, DC

Constituent Meeting Request
Template for Fax

For requesting meetings with your Members of Congress, please use this template and fax it to the scheduler of your Member of Congress.

Contact information for your Members of Congress, including the fax number and the name of the scheduler, can be found at

Once you fax the request, it is very important that you call to follow up! You may have to call a number of times before your request is granted. Click here for more tips.

If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Pace at Interfaith Peace-Builders: media[a] or 415.240.4607 (10 AM – 6 PM Pacific Standard Time).


copy and paste the following text

TO: Name of Scheduler, Office of Representative or Senator X

FROM: Name, Name of Organization

RE: Requested Constituent Meeting w/ Representative or Senator X

DATE: Date

Dear Name of Scheduler,

I am sending you this fax on behalf of constituents of Representative or Senator X who hope to meet with him/her in the Washington DC office on Monday, March 7, 2011 between 10 AM and 6:00 PM.

The constituents will be visiting Washington DC to participate in an advocacy day organized by Interfaith Peace-Builders and the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation.

The constituents requesting this meeting are: Member A (City A), Member B (City B), Member C, (City C), etc.

The constituents of Representative or Senator X are requesting this meeting in order to discuss the following issues:

1) U.S. policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict;

2) The U.S. role in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; and

3) The situation in the Gaza Strip, including the urgent humanitarian crisis

As constituents, we will represent ourselves in the meeting.

Interfaith Peace-Builders is a grassroots organization that leads delegations of U.S. citizens to Israel and Palestine. These delegations emphasize listening to and learning from Israelis and Palestinians committed to nonviolent struggle and peace with justice. IFPB advocates a more just U.S. foreign policy that actively promotes civil, political and human rights, affirms political self-determination for Palestinians and Israelis, fosters economic and environmental sustainability in the region, and supports a diplomatic resolution to the conflict rather than one imposed by force of arms. For more information on Interfaith Peace-Builders see

The U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is a national coalition of more than 200 organizations which seeks to change U.S. policy to support a just resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on human rights and international law. For more information about the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, please see

The advocacy day is also endorsed by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Islamic Circle of North America, ICNA Council for Social Justice, Jewish Voice for Peace, the Middle East Research and Information Project, the Washington Peace Center, and other organizations.

I look forward to hearing from you about the Representative’s or Senator’s availability to meet with us Monday, March 7, 2011. I can be contacted by phone at XXX-XXX-XXXX or by email at

Contact Information

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Click here to watch video from the 2010 Grassroots Advocacy Training and Lobby Day